Usb Flash Drive Password Stealer Average ratng: 5,2/10 3564 reviews

Usb password stealer There are lots of people in the world and even more online accounts. Most people saved their password by ticking “REMEMBER” ME on various. Copy the autorun.inf and launch.bat to the USB stick. Step 5 – Perform an attack. Insert the USB flash drive into the victim’s computer and the startup window will open. Select the first option in the pop-up window (Perform a Virus Scan). Now all password recovery tools run in the background (This process takes only a few seconds).

Some user saved the password of their favorite site just like portals, Youtube and many more.

This app will allow you to steal those saved passwords. Serial avast mobile premium.

If you insert your pen drive a.k.a. flash drive, it automatically steals the saved passwords in a computer.



Usb flash drive password protection

For a successful operation, follow carefully the steps that I provided.

Usb Flash Drive Password Software


  1. Download and unzip it
  2. Insert your flash drive
  3. Put the 12 files directly to your flash drive

Usb Flash Drive Password Reset Disk

MUST: Put the 12 files to your flash drive. Don’t put them to a folder. Just Copy the 12 files then paste it directly to your flash drive.

That’s all!

Password For Usb Drive

All you need to do is to insert your flash drive to your desired victim’s pc. If you succeed, you will see text files in your flash drive. The stolen saved password are stored on those text files.

PS: If the stealer doesn’t run automatically, double click the launch.bat

NOTE: I’m not responsible to any harm and danger you will encounter by using this application.

Do you encountered a problem? Please message me here – Mark Miranda
